
Saturday 16 February 2013

what-is-phishing-and-how-to-prevent...getting haked...

The problem with phishing is that most of the people are unaware of the whole issue of phishing. Web users, who are already in threat from various elements like virus, spyware etc, are facing a larger threat than any of them, but what is phishing? And how can it harm you? These are the questions, which will be answered in the next few lines.
Phishing is an online scam, where people associated with it pose as legitimate website or links and ask for the details of the user, like the personal, contact and financial details. Then they fraudulently access your accounts with the information provided by you, and leave you bankrupt. The problem is so overwhelmingly huge that it costs US government about one billion dollars every year.
How Does the Phishing Scam Work?
Most of the time, a phishing scam starts off with the victim receiving an email to his or her email account. Apparently, these mails look legitimate and from a trusted source. The most common types include emails from bank, financial companies like brokerage or even from credit card companies. These emails claim that your account is going to face some serious impending problem, like delay in payments or account closure, and demands attention from your side. They also provide the solution to the same like changing the account details, like username, password etc to get rid of the problem.

The problem with phishing is that most of the people are unaware of the whole issue of phishing. Web users, who are already in threat from various elements like virus, spyware etc, are facing a larger threat than any of them, but what is phishing? And how can it harm you? These are the questions, which will be answered in the next few lines.
Phishing is an online scam, where people associated with it pose as legitimate website or links and ask for the details of the user, like the personal, contact and financial details. Then they fraudulently access your accounts with the information provided by you, and leave you bankrupt. The problem is so overwhelmingly huge that it costs US government about one billion dollars every year.
How Does the Phishing Scam Work?
Most of the time, a phishing scam starts off with the victim receiving an email to his or her email account. Apparently, these mails look legitimate and from a trusted source. The most common types include emails from bank, financial companies like brokerage or even from credit card companies. These emails claim that your account is going to face some serious impending problem, like delay in payments or account closure, and demands attention from your side. They also provide the solution to the same like changing the account details, like username, password etc to get rid of the problem.

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